The Jumanji Movie Review.

January 04, 2018

 So this is definitely not something I would call a remake. The movie was fun. The jokes are nonstop and witty. Characters are well fleshed out with each person playing a physical opposite of their persona outside of Jumanji. A little homage is paid to Alan Parrish at the beginning of the movie, and the movie continues, 20 years after the events of 1996.

The Rock is always fun, but shines as a scared nerd with no confidence. Karen Gillan is adorable as the socially awkward nerdy girl. Jack Black playing a self obsessed popular girl is laugh out loud funny. Kevin Hart as a shrunken jock with many assigned weaknesses is classic.

All in all a nearly perfect family comedy that rises above lowest common denominator humor. Worth the trip to see it on the big screen. You do not have to see the original to appreciate it.

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